Thursday, 29 October 2009

Confidence is King

Confidence can get people a lot of things in life. Confidence is a state of mind when you have a belief and trust in your powers. Confidence shines when your self conscious is silenced (those little voices in your head that seemingly are forever judging you). Confidence by a Zen definition is to actually live in each moving moment, there is only now.

"Whether you think you can or you can't- you are right!" Henry Ford

Now don't be confused here, confidence is not the same as courage. If you are living in fear of something, then you will need to attain courage before your confidence can truly be reinstated.
At this moment we are going to take a look at confidence.

Confidence is not a game of ego superiority it is more to do with recognising the intrinsic worth of all human beings including yourself. People can be confidently professional in their own worth, take a look at your doctor whom you trust with your life, you would respect them if they knew what they were doing if they saved your life.

The thing about confidence is about silencing the voices/the self consciousness in your mind that can be like a constant chatter and acting without hesitation. Confidence is alertness and living in the moment, not thinking about the past or what is to be in the future. It is just right now.

It's best described and a great attainment in Zen Buddhism. Confidence is sometimes confused with something else, Courage. Courage is different to confidence as courage is more to do with acting in the face of fear. Courage is only attained after fear is faced and have attained what it is that they have set out to do. Confidence on the over hand is being sure in one self and actually living rather than creating issues for courage to deal with.

This is my artist depiction of of Courage vs Confidence as you can see it's not confidence wrong but someone acting courageous after feeling the fear.

confidence,confident,courage,self help,hypnosis,hypnotic,gimp
Okay so I'm not much of an artist yet but I still think it's pretty good art.

Looking at it who's going to prison the confident or the courageous. The courageous is the on a revenge trip his self conciousness is ruling him in the background. While the confidence and alertness has grabbed the foreground guy the attention and the hot lady.

The thing about hypnotism is that it can give you confidence and yes too much confidence does become arrogance if their is no compassion. Luckily though compassion is also easily obtainable.

The majority of people that hires hypnotherapists are lacking not only the confidence to deal with their own problems but they are also lacking resources. Shortly after this post in my blog I hope to develop something that will give you back your confidence so keep an eye out for this. It will be invaluable.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Mind Reading and Hypnosis

Imagine you had the abilities to read people's minds, to know what they are thinking, what they wanted or even to know what they are going to do next and then have the ability to influence them. Just picture how amazing this would be, how many problems you could stop before they even happened, could you ever say another thing wrong, you'd know exactly wht to say to get what you wanted. Telepathy put shortly would be cool, but hypnosis has a little something else. One of the main aspects on being a good hypnotist is to have the ability to read people. Most of the guides on the internet today that deal with reading people are all kind of similar. In hypnosis we use what we call a VAK's system which is actually short for the VAKOG system.

The VAK's sytem is actually shows us a persons learning style and how they percieve the world around them. By learning a persons VAK system we can build better rapport with them them and also decide on how to put things into a clearer perspective so people better understand them. So lets have a look at why this VAK system is like mind reading, dig into why it works and how we can use that.


The VAKS system is an internal representational system which offers another way to read a persons body language.
hypnosis,vak,visual,auditory,kinasthetic,hypnotic,hypnotism,telepathy,mind reading

How it works is fairly simple, you can read a persons internal representation system by asking that person questions. Each direction we look at in thought will give us a hint toward whats going on internally in their subconcious. These different eye positions may change but this is what you will mainly come across in a right handed subject. If a person's subconcious worked like the above diagram. I could ask a few questions and know how to respond to them very quicky to adapt rapport or even engage more influence.
A statement like "Picture a time when your bum looked big in a dress" by observing their eyes you would be able to read where there eyes were going to what they are doing in their subconcious. If their eyes are looking at something visual remembered "ask them where they are was it while shopping for a dress?", "do they have a neck like an owl?", "how the hell do you see a full picture of your arse without a mirror...." and so on.
In other words the VAK techninques can be used to make better assumptions because of the rapport built in an non verbal way. The eyes communicate none verbally. It's not really mind reading just a better understanding and widening of the range of communication not all of it has to be noise just check your emails.
If you want real telepathy then get practising with the Zener card test. find out if you've got what it takes.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Hypnotism and Entrepreneurs

Have you taken a look at the miracle question exercise. Have you been asking yourself can I really have my dream house in paradise with all that I have ever wanted. That would be great but I have no ideas to find what it is that I could do to begin earning that kind of cash.

Well never fear, I have come across a technique that is quite inspiring, lets say you don't want to work for someone else but don't know where to start. This technique will bring the answers to you. I will warn you that when this exercises is set into motion it's amazing how it begins to run itself. Entrepreneurs are not in the frame of mind to sit back and say "I knew that idea would take off and earn someone a lot of cash" and entrepreneurs know that they have to work on getting their ideas before anyone else that's where my technique comes in. Then it's all down to your belief, conviction, determination, enthusiasm, commitment and practical ability.

The thing with finding opportunities is that you have to be able to see what is actually around you. I have six magic questions that will spur a fountain of wealthy thoughts in your mind and may also allow you to find your niche above the rest.

The exercise does not require you to be under or induced in a hypnotic trance. But, however it is absolutely powerful try it for seven days solid it is one powerful tool. The amount of new ideas that earned me money started me looking to work for myself rather than other people and also helped give me the motivation to get what I wanted, while staying honest to myself.

The Six Magic Questions

1.What or who has presented me an opportunity today?

2.From the people I have met today what do they seem to need to have?

3.What have I kept hearing from people over the past week?

4.What is happening out there right now? What is there an increased need for?

5.What would people buy in great quantity if it existed right now?

6.What product would I buy today if it existed right now?

When asking yourself these questions take into account every idea no matter how ridiculous big or small it is. Write these questions down and stick a copy of them on a wall then read them everyday. When doing your everyday tasks ensure that you observe and listen a little more closely than usual, you will be amazed how many opportunities are out there. Wait patiently and judgingly for the right opportunity, it will not take you long to know what it is that you've got to do with your life to get started on your real path as these questions will be working away in your subconscious mind.

When you hit an idea or two that you feel you might have something to offer evaluate it. Don't just go ahead with anything. The quality of your ideas will get better the more you practice this.
To evaluate your ideas.

Establish a market price research on how to reach this.

Determine how much it would cost to produce initial stock of the product or service you intend to offer.

Work out the finances.

Remember think big, start small and get some feed back as this may give you a better opportunity to earn more faster.

The Miracle Question

Most people already know that it is important to know what you want because it gives you a goal to reach.

Suppose you wake up one morning and everything you ever wanted, everything you could ever imagine for yourself, had actually happened - your life had turned out the way you wanted it right from the start. Every dream you have ever wished as all of a sudden come true.

  • What will make you aware that your dream has come true?
  • What will you see?
  • What will you hear?
  • What will you smell?
  • What would you feel inside?
  • How would you be different?
  • What kind of possessions would you actually own?

Now most people can't answer this apart from in general terms. Yes, most people would say something along the line of the sun would be shining, my house would be a pretty mansion, I'd have a beautiful swimming pool and drive a so and so vehicle. The thing is that people have no clear idea of success. People don't really know what they want. Basically stated, People cannot visualise success. Because people can't visualise success they can never achieve it.

Now no-one wants to float through life aimlessly but thing is that the majority of people do this.

You must know what you want first before you get any chance of getting it.

If you know what you want and you visualise it clearly enough, then you start to motivate yourself full of discipline towards your clear task, your going to get what you want, your going to achieve what you need to achieve.

The Key to success is knowing what you want.

The Miracle question finds out if your really certain about the things you think you know what you want in life. Hypnosis and affirmations can help your motivation but you can't go anywhere if you don't know what you want in life.

How do you Know what you want, If you already had it how would you be acting more different. What would have changed.

Would you have your Dream House, Car, Man/Women, Career. What type of friends would you be making plans with and what would you do. These questions into your dream life which would require a miracle are more important than you know.

The Miracle Question

Suppose tonight, while you are asleep, the miracle happens.

Everything you ever wanted comes true.

When you wake in the morning how will you be able to tell that the miracle has happened?

As an exercise, lie down or lie down somewhere you won't be disturbed, and carry out the miracle exercise. Allow your breathing to slow, settle comfortably and let your mind wander where it will.

Ask yourself, 'After the miracle, what will I see that is different?'.

'What will I hear that is different?'.

'What will I feel inside that is different from the way I feel now?'.

Think about those questions for a while, and ask yourself 'What would the other people in my life see, notice, feel, that was different?' Think about each of the people in your life and see yourself after the miracle from their point of view, imagining what is going into their eyes and ears, what is going through their mind as they deal with the new you. Think about what they would think about your behaviour, attitude, values in your new life. Think about how you would behave, knowing what they think and see, and what you would have to do to make te see you behaving that way. Spend about ten minutes or so doing that exercise.

Then resume your normal tasks, going through the rest of your day, and in every situation, as you get into that situation, imagine how you would behave if that miracle had happened, and then do as much of that behaviour as you can.

The following day, think about how you acted when you assumed the miracle had happened, and how many things you actually did that were part of the miracle, and then imagine your life after the miracle in even more detail.

Repeat this exercise every day until the miracle has happened.

You will then be living the miracle.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Potential Unlocked

I've gone on chatting about how great hypnotism is, the money potential that people can earn applying hypnosis. I'd now like to look at the potential of hypnosis. This is all based on my experience's through not actually being hypnotised by someone else but through Self hypnosis.

Hypnotism can be used as a cure for phobias, This is generally in a clinical and professional atmosphere. Something people don't know is that hypnotist was sometimes applied before surgery as a pain suppressant in the old medicinal society. It is a clinical tool. Thanks to modern advancements in technology we have drugs that now take care of this. So Clinical hypnosis is now used mainly for mental issues. The most common things hypnotherapists treat is:

  • Stopping Smoking
  • Weight Loss
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Confidence
  • Past Lives
  • Fear of Flying
  • Fear of Travelling
  • Future Progression
  • Sexual Performance
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • IBS Treatment
  • Stress and Depression Management
  • Etc

These are all things that a hypnotherapist tends to deal with, the crazy thing is though you can do all this yourself through self hypnosis. You may not be able to do some of things yourself as a hypnosis will have more experience, resources and techniques to help aid you farther.

About Me

I'm the guy who figures Life is Art!! No matter what you do with it or your trade in it. It paints a picture from A to B to a path of perfection every time.


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