Wednesday 7 October 2009

Mind Reading and Hypnosis

Imagine you had the abilities to read people's minds, to know what they are thinking, what they wanted or even to know what they are going to do next and then have the ability to influence them. Just picture how amazing this would be, how many problems you could stop before they even happened, could you ever say another thing wrong, you'd know exactly wht to say to get what you wanted. Telepathy put shortly would be cool, but hypnosis has a little something else. One of the main aspects on being a good hypnotist is to have the ability to read people. Most of the guides on the internet today that deal with reading people are all kind of similar. In hypnosis we use what we call a VAK's system which is actually short for the VAKOG system.

The VAK's sytem is actually shows us a persons learning style and how they percieve the world around them. By learning a persons VAK system we can build better rapport with them them and also decide on how to put things into a clearer perspective so people better understand them. So lets have a look at why this VAK system is like mind reading, dig into why it works and how we can use that.


The VAKS system is an internal representational system which offers another way to read a persons body language.
hypnosis,vak,visual,auditory,kinasthetic,hypnotic,hypnotism,telepathy,mind reading

How it works is fairly simple, you can read a persons internal representation system by asking that person questions. Each direction we look at in thought will give us a hint toward whats going on internally in their subconcious. These different eye positions may change but this is what you will mainly come across in a right handed subject. If a person's subconcious worked like the above diagram. I could ask a few questions and know how to respond to them very quicky to adapt rapport or even engage more influence.
A statement like "Picture a time when your bum looked big in a dress" by observing their eyes you would be able to read where there eyes were going to what they are doing in their subconcious. If their eyes are looking at something visual remembered "ask them where they are was it while shopping for a dress?", "do they have a neck like an owl?", "how the hell do you see a full picture of your arse without a mirror...." and so on.
In other words the VAK techninques can be used to make better assumptions because of the rapport built in an non verbal way. The eyes communicate none verbally. It's not really mind reading just a better understanding and widening of the range of communication not all of it has to be noise just check your emails.
If you want real telepathy then get practising with the Zener card test. find out if you've got what it takes.

About Me

I'm the guy who figures Life is Art!! No matter what you do with it or your trade in it. It paints a picture from A to B to a path of perfection every time.


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