Unlimited Inspiration
Unlimited Inspiration
The following questions will unlock a potential that cannot be fathomed, it can be used if you have no inspiration or ideas whatsoever. It can be used by professionals. Inspiration has shaped and changed the world from day one. Inspiration has been closely linked to the muses of Greek mythology. I recommend researching the muses it can be quite a beautiful concept.
Entreprenuers don't just wait for things to happen they know they have to be constantly switched on to inspiration. Entrepreneurs don't say 'say I told you so!' they are in the frame of mind to invent the news, not sit back and let news just happen. They know through belief, conviction, determination, enthusiasm, commitment and practical ability they can make thing's happen.
The Six Magic questions of Inspiration
- What or who has presented a potential opportunity to me today?
- From the people I have met today, what need do they seem to have?
- What have I kept hearing from people over the past week?
- What is happening out there right now? What is there an increased need for?
- What would people buy in great quantity if it existed now?
- What product would I buy today if it existed?
Copy and read these questions at the beginning of everyday to install these ready for answering. Then as you live through the day observe and listen to your surroundings and what people/media/society have to say. These questions will be in you subconscious mind working away. Then soon enough you will realise that you have fine tuned your mind to focus automatically on opportunities. Inspiration will begin to flow and you will be bombarded by it. Opportunity truly is everywhere. Even on the ground on which you stand now, it's more than likely that people have benefited from by seeing a need.
No matter how silly your ideas are, you had the idea due to there being a need and a opportunity you may have found your true calling.
All Life is an expiriment - Oliver Wendell Holmes