Thursday, 29 October 2009

Confidence is King

Confidence can get people a lot of things in life. Confidence is a state of mind when you have a belief and trust in your powers. Confidence shines when your self conscious is silenced (those little voices in your head that seemingly are forever judging you). Confidence by a Zen definition is to actually live in each moving moment, there is only now.

"Whether you think you can or you can't- you are right!" Henry Ford

Now don't be confused here, confidence is not the same as courage. If you are living in fear of something, then you will need to attain courage before your confidence can truly be reinstated.
At this moment we are going to take a look at confidence.

Confidence is not a game of ego superiority it is more to do with recognising the intrinsic worth of all human beings including yourself. People can be confidently professional in their own worth, take a look at your doctor whom you trust with your life, you would respect them if they knew what they were doing if they saved your life.

The thing about confidence is about silencing the voices/the self consciousness in your mind that can be like a constant chatter and acting without hesitation. Confidence is alertness and living in the moment, not thinking about the past or what is to be in the future. It is just right now.

It's best described and a great attainment in Zen Buddhism. Confidence is sometimes confused with something else, Courage. Courage is different to confidence as courage is more to do with acting in the face of fear. Courage is only attained after fear is faced and have attained what it is that they have set out to do. Confidence on the over hand is being sure in one self and actually living rather than creating issues for courage to deal with.

This is my artist depiction of of Courage vs Confidence as you can see it's not confidence wrong but someone acting courageous after feeling the fear.

confidence,confident,courage,self help,hypnosis,hypnotic,gimp
Okay so I'm not much of an artist yet but I still think it's pretty good art.

Looking at it who's going to prison the confident or the courageous. The courageous is the on a revenge trip his self conciousness is ruling him in the background. While the confidence and alertness has grabbed the foreground guy the attention and the hot lady.

The thing about hypnotism is that it can give you confidence and yes too much confidence does become arrogance if their is no compassion. Luckily though compassion is also easily obtainable.

The majority of people that hires hypnotherapists are lacking not only the confidence to deal with their own problems but they are also lacking resources. Shortly after this post in my blog I hope to develop something that will give you back your confidence so keep an eye out for this. It will be invaluable.

About Me

I'm the guy who figures Life is Art!! No matter what you do with it or your trade in it. It paints a picture from A to B to a path of perfection every time.


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