Thursday, 1 October 2009

Potential Unlocked

I've gone on chatting about how great hypnotism is, the money potential that people can earn applying hypnosis. I'd now like to look at the potential of hypnosis. This is all based on my experience's through not actually being hypnotised by someone else but through Self hypnosis.

Hypnotism can be used as a cure for phobias, This is generally in a clinical and professional atmosphere. Something people don't know is that hypnotist was sometimes applied before surgery as a pain suppressant in the old medicinal society. It is a clinical tool. Thanks to modern advancements in technology we have drugs that now take care of this. So Clinical hypnosis is now used mainly for mental issues. The most common things hypnotherapists treat is:

  • Stopping Smoking
  • Weight Loss
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Confidence
  • Past Lives
  • Fear of Flying
  • Fear of Travelling
  • Future Progression
  • Sexual Performance
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • IBS Treatment
  • Stress and Depression Management
  • Etc

These are all things that a hypnotherapist tends to deal with, the crazy thing is though you can do all this yourself through self hypnosis. You may not be able to do some of things yourself as a hypnosis will have more experience, resources and techniques to help aid you farther.

About Me

I'm the guy who figures Life is Art!! No matter what you do with it or your trade in it. It paints a picture from A to B to a path of perfection every time.


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