Most people already know that it is important to know what you want because it gives you a goal to reach.
Suppose you wake up one morning and everything you ever wanted, everything you could ever imagine for yourself, had actually happened - your life had turned out the way you wanted it right from the start. Every dream you have ever wished as all of a sudden come true.
- What will make you aware that your dream has come true?
- What will you see?
- What will you hear?
- What will you smell?
- What would you feel inside?
- How would you be different?
- What kind of possessions would you actually own?
Now most people can't answer this apart from in general terms. Yes, most people would say something along the line of the sun would be shining, my house would be a pretty mansion, I'd have a beautiful swimming pool and drive a so and so vehicle. The thing is that people have no clear idea of success. People don't really know what they want. Basically stated, People cannot visualise success. Because people can't visualise success they can never achieve it.
Now no-one wants to float through life aimlessly but thing is that the majority of people do this.
You must know what you want first before you get any chance of getting it.
If you know what you want and you visualise it clearly enough, then you start to motivate yourself full of discipline towards your clear task, your going to get what you want, your going to achieve what you need to achieve.
The Key to success is knowing what you want.
The Miracle question finds out if your really certain about the things you think you know what you want in life. Hypnosis and affirmations can help your motivation but you can't go anywhere if you don't know what you want in life.
How do you Know what you want, If you already had it how would you be acting more different. What would have changed.
Would you have your Dream House, Car, Man/Women, Career. What type of friends would you be making plans with and what would you do. These questions into your dream life which would require a miracle are more important than you know.
The Miracle Question
Suppose tonight, while you are asleep, the miracle happens.
Everything you ever wanted comes true.
When you wake in the morning how will you be able to tell that the miracle has happened?
As an exercise, lie down or lie down somewhere you won't be disturbed, and carry out the miracle exercise. Allow your breathing to slow, settle comfortably and let your mind wander where it will.
Ask yourself, 'After the miracle, what will I see that is different?'.
'What will I hear that is different?'.
'What will I feel inside that is different from the way I feel now?'.
Think about those questions for a while, and ask yourself 'What would the other people in my life see, notice, feel, that was different?' Think about each of the people in your life and see yourself after the miracle from their point of view, imagining what is going into their eyes and ears, what is going through their mind as they deal with the new you. Think about what they would think about your behaviour, attitude, values in your new life. Think about how you would behave, knowing what they think and see, and what you would have to do to make te see you behaving that way. Spend about ten minutes or so doing that exercise.
Then resume your normal tasks, going through the rest of your day, and in every situation, as you get into that situation, imagine how you would behave if that miracle had happened, and then do as much of that behaviour as you can.
The following day, think about how you acted when you assumed the miracle had happened, and how many things you actually did that were part of the miracle, and then imagine your life after the miracle in even more detail.
Repeat this exercise every day until the miracle has happened.
You will then be living the miracle.