Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Unlimited Inspiration

Unlimited Inspiration

The following questions will unlock a potential that cannot be fathomed, it can be used if you have no inspiration or ideas whatsoever. It can be used by professionals. Inspiration has shaped and changed the world from day one. Inspiration has been closely linked to the muses of Greek mythology. I recommend researching the muses it can be quite a beautiful concept.

Entreprenuers don't just wait for things to happen they know they have to be constantly switched on to inspiration. Entrepreneurs don't say 'say I told you so!' they are in the frame of mind to invent the news, not sit back and let news just happen. They know through belief, conviction, determination, enthusiasm, commitment and practical ability they can make thing's happen.

The Six Magic questions of Inspiration

  1. What or who has presented a potential opportunity to me today?
  2. From the people I have met today, what need do they seem to have?
  3. What have I kept hearing from people over the past week?
  4. What is happening out there right now? What is there an increased need for?
  5. What would people buy in great quantity if it existed now?
  6. What product would I buy today if it existed?

Copy and read these questions at the beginning of everyday to install these ready for answering. Then as you live through the day observe and listen to your surroundings and what people/media/society have to say. These questions will be in you subconscious mind working away. Then soon enough you will realise that you have fine tuned your mind to focus automatically on opportunities. Inspiration will begin to flow and you will be bombarded by it. Opportunity truly is everywhere. Even on the ground on which you stand now, it's more than likely that people have benefited from by seeing a need.

No matter how silly your ideas are, you had the idea due to there being a need and a opportunity you may have found your true calling.

All Life is an expiriment - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Developing Hunger

Developing Hunger

Keep a scrapbook, why? Let me tell you a story of mine?

I was working quite content one day for hour's and hour's on a project I have running at the moment, I was full of determination, ambition, confidence. I was feeling very alive and in the zone as so to speak. I decided enough was enough for a day though I had accomplished a chunk of my goal. I knew tomorrow would be another day. So I laid my work down to rest.

The next day, I got up in the morning and felt ready to begin my work but not before my chores so I flicked on some music and began to tidy up. I got round to sitting down to do my work, but when I had sat down ready to delve into my work. I didn't have the same determination, ambition and confidence I had the day before. I then did what any normal human being would do.....I began to procrastinate.

The good thing was I knew I was procrastinating, I set myself some time to fulfill my procrastination in order to be healthy, then set my self a limit. When I went to do my work I just couldn't get my mind to raise to the task at hand. I became frustrated and looked at my project like a waste of time. It was for me to be able to afford to do something next year I have always wanted to do. I became so frustrated I couldn't procrastinate as I got fed up with myself.

I started to look at the thing's I loved and desired in life. I decided I was going to recreate my success and fake some bank balances, to help me feel good then I'd drift into a trance and awake from it with determination, ambition and confidence. Then continue to work.

Fake it till it is real!""

I did this with unbelievable accuracy, I scanned all my documents, balances editing them and printing them out with ridiculous but realistic figures on my ideal income. I began searching the Internet frantically looking for my dream mansion, sure enough I found the Playboy mansion. The mansion itself looked determined, ambitious and confident. I even google mapped it so I could have an idea of the layout and size. I continued my search of perfection, from Helicopters and Yachts to Cakes and Teas. I tranced out for a little while in my own little world and tried to be comfortable even passive with my new belongings, then I went on a trip to paradise. It felt wonderful. The next day I got round to my doing my work it was as if my goals had already been fulfilled and I worked flawlessly solving the problems of yesterday like I was too advanced to be in trouble.

I guess what I'm trying to say is if your trying to achieve something or have something set as a reward or goal. It is probably in your best interest to become aware of all these things. Keep focused on your goals and regards and live them. You are then more likely to attain everything you desire and maintain the hunger needed to complete what's neccessary.

Keeping a scrapbook of your personal paradise will bring you back to the roots of your desire's and also help you maintain your view on the big picture!!

Build your desires and hunger with the six magic questions (click here!!)

Friday, 13 November 2009

The Hypnotist's Journal

Please Click one of the links Below to read the Journal entries

Hypnotist A Go Go

A Hypnotists Diary

When it came to me practising hypnotism I never really knew where to start. There is some vast reading readily available on the topic but it seemed too much to organise and make useful. I didn't really have a structured method of learning, I was gaining a lot of new information and techniques, but, I wasn't organising it in my mind as I was learning. The key to good professional learning is being able to easily organise the information in your mind.

The only way I thought I was going to master the art of hypnosis with NLP was to practise it until it became second nature. The only people I had readily available to practise on was family and friends, which can be a daunting task as family and friends do tend to be cynical of your abilities. People do tend to have a negative attitude to hypnotists. As there are social myths that a hypnotist can control your mind and make you do things against your will..... I wish!!

If I was able to control people in that way I would finally have a army of money making minions. It wouldn't be so bad. You'd live rich and nearby in one of my owned communities doing the thing you love whilst living happily. If I had a personal life coach, I'd have them push me to become the person I wanted to be. The thing is I have to be my own life coach, I'm the higher power in control of myself, because your the only person that can hypnotise yourself as I myself am. Hypnotist's are just there to make you aware of the resources you have already to make changes in your own life. We are all just Flesh and Bone. If a life Coach came along and made me a millionaire through effortless work living happily, I would gladly pay them their dues.

I figured to myself while practising hypnotism to become professional I would give the family a discount (free!!). What I would do is give them them access to resources I felt that would benefit them in what there current situations. I come from a big family with lots of brothers and sisters, our extended family is huge and close, my parents were very poor but are now well off and have definitely paid their dues to society.

But, unfortunately for a practising hypnotist my family are like any other they still have the old beliefs drilled into them about hypnotists being controlling.

About Me

I'm the guy who figures Life is Art!! No matter what you do with it or your trade in it. It paints a picture from A to B to a path of perfection every time.


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