Friday, 19 February 2010

Do Hypnosis MP3's work

Do Hypnosis Mp3's work

The internet offers so much in the ways of self hypnosis and self help produts the choice is baffling and never ending. One thing I have seen a huge emergence of is MP3 scripts, there are thousands upon thousands dealing with every kind of problem you could possibly think of.

Hypnosis Mp3's care for problems such as:

Quiting Smoking
Premature Ejaculation
Sleep Disorders
Stop Negative thoughts
Feeling Attractive
Increased Libido
Nail Baiting
etc, etc.

The list goes on an it's endless. The usually price between $10 USD to $1000USD dependant on the quality and what they are for. They general aim of these MP3's is an all in one hypnotherapy session that helps anchor the correct frames of mind to handle your problem. It is by no way an alternative to a hiring a therapist.

Do they work? The answer is yes and no, but this is determined by the quality and how much it can relate to you personally it's good to pick MP3's where there is someone who speaks very clearly. You could be thrown out of trance if the person on the recording is not clear and concise. If it is too descriptive of a scene it's trying to get you to imagine it can have you just forcibly trying to create their world instead of where you are most comfortable. I reccomend when buying hypnosis MP3's that you try to listen to a sample first, especially if you are spending quite alot of money.

The thing with hypnosis is that it is very personal and even the pace can throw you off so make sure it is at least over 20mins in length. There is just no such thing as a 5 minute fix in hypnosis. Also, expect to listen to it more than once to get the best results as it is best to get your moneys worth and reinforce suggestions in your mind. It is possible to listen to it once and find the next day you are cured but as with all therapy healing take time.

If you want more advice please do not hesitate to ask me any questions. Also if you are looking to buy any CD's or MP3 Hypnosis therapy sessions then keep your eyes peeled at my shop.

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About Me

I'm the guy who figures Life is Art!! No matter what you do with it or your trade in it. It paints a picture from A to B to a path of perfection every time.


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